Toms Zvidrins Joins BACC Honorary Board
We're excited to share that Toms Zvidrins, Counselor of Economic and Commercial Affairs at the Embassy of Latvia in the U.S. and Head of Latvia's Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) Representative Office in the U.S., has joined the Honorary Board of the Baltic American Chamber of Commerce (BACC). Toms Zvidrins succeeds Reinis Sipols, who recently concluded his tenure with LIAA. The BACC Honorary Board traditionally includes senior representatives from the Baltic states, and we look forward to continuing our work with Toms, with whom we've partnered in the past. We’re eager to keep building on the strong connections between Latvia and the U.S. and help drive mutual economic growth.
Toms Zvidrins, Head of Latvia's Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) Representative Office in the U.S.