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Why NOW is the time to innovate?

Join us for a networking event around the topic of innovation on Thursday, May 27th at 9:00am - 10:30 am ET / 16:00-17:30 EET via REMO platform.
Whether it is COVID-19, climate issues or any other emerging challenge, innovation and cooperation across borders, various disciplines and industries, is a way out of any crisis.
How to enable innovation culture? How to rethink your business strategy? How to capture the opportunities lying ahead? These and other questions will be addressed at the event co-hosted by the American and Norwegian Chambers of Commerce in Latvia.

Joining as a Keynote Speaker will be Prof. Vijay Kumar of MIT J-WEL introduced by Dr. Claudio Rivera, RTU Riga Business School.

Topics for networking sessions:

· Human capital development: education, training, upskilling
· Health: health innovations, mental health and wellbeing
· Digital transition: technological innovations, business value chain and agility
· Green Economy and sustainability

You will be matched with other participants around virtual tables based on your preferred topics. You will have the chance to change virtual tables twice during the event, while also having a chance to engage in one-on-one conversations. Some of the industries who have signed up so far include: IT, Telecom, Healthcare, Consumer goods, Logistics, FMCG, Consulting, Education, Public safety, Entertainment, Services, Real estate, Finances and Insurance.

Come with your story – product and process innovation that you would like to share – and explore opportunities for partnerships with others!