Supply Chain Panel Discussion: Digitizing the Global Supply Chain: Opportunities and Challenges
Moderator: Pete Mento, SVP Compliance, TRAFFIC TECH, INC.
The largest change and, arguably, most significant event in the modern history of our business is the digitization of the global supply chain. Every aspect of our business has moved from pen and paper to a seemingly endless stream of data. This change has allowed us to accelerate the movement of goods, track the lifecycle of shipments and process payments at incredible speed. It has also shed a light on our lack of standards and how vulnerable we are to cyber-attacks. In this panel, we will explore what digitization still has in store for us as ecommerce becomes a part of everyday life for the global consumer. We will also ask questions about what can be done to gain more traction in the global landscape amongst the many interactors in the supply chain to eliminate inefficiency. Lastly, we will consider how Logitech is disrupting our models of service and how so much remains to be seen.
1-2 pm: Registration and Networking
2-3:30 pm: Panel Discussion and Awards
3:30-4 pm Networking
This event is available both in person and virtually.