A groundbreaking event that bridges continents and fosters growth!
➤ Welcome: NYCMayor’s Office.
➤ Keynotes: The presidents of the three Baltic nations- Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. ▻ Moderator Peter Spiegel, US managing editor of the Financial Times.
➤ The Three Sea Initiative (3SI) and Re-Build Ukraine panels ▻ Moderated by Senior Fellow at Atlantic Council and a Forbes editor, respectively. These initiatives represent a huge potential for businesses, and these panels present an exceptional opportunity to meet influential people in that space.
➤ Participants: ▻ U.S. corporate CEO’s. For example, Blackstone, which acquired the third largest bank in the Baltics, Luminor, several years ago will be represented by the Chairman of Luminor bank. ▻ Most advanced Baltic companies, as for example, the iconic NYC real estate project, Summit One Vanderbilt tower, was built with glass produced by the Lithuanian company Glassbel, and the CEO of this company will be our speaker. We will have representatives of the Estonian company Nortal, which has helped transform Estonia into the premiere digital society in the world, and has created change amongst the Fortune 500 and public sector, including in the US, by aligning strategy, product design, data-driven technology, and cyber resilience.
➤ Do you still have doubts should you attend?! Don’t be late as seats will only be available for a limited time and only for pre-registered and approved attendees. Register here