Join attorneys in the Hodgson Russ Education Practice as they review the practical implications of reopening schools this fall.
Topics to be discussed:
How schools can mitigate liability upon return to instruction;
Required provision of educational services and considering parental requests for remote instruction;
Navigating complex personnel issues, including state and federal leave laws and accommodation requests;
Steps to follow if a positive case or exposure to someone with COVID-19 is identified.
August 13, 2020
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Speakers: Ryan Everhart, Andrew Freedman, Lindsay Menasco and Jeffrey Swiatek
Who should attend: Board of Education Members, Superintendents, Business Officials, School District Administrators and other school district staff
If you have any related questions you'd like to send the presenters to address during the session, please email them to